Some Day

Some day I'll have my own island... Until then, here are some of the things I'm working on.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Random Arduino Idea

Well, not everything can be a success...  I had an idea the other evening to improve? Expand? Tinker with? The coin counting jar that I received for Christmas.  My thought was that there had to be a way to hook the existing coin counter through the arduino so it would give me a breakdown of the quantity of each type of coin in the jar, as well as the total dollar value.  And, potentially, eventually, send me a daily email with that information.  And I figures out how to do it too!  As you can see in the 2nd image below, there are various metal contacts on either side of the slit in the circuit board. As the change comes through, it pushes a metal piece along these closing the circuit. And recording what type of money went through depending on which contact is hit.  I figured if I could solder a wire to each of these contacts I could hook it up to the arduino and have it record the same information using the same theory.  Sadly, my soldering skills are still somewhat less than they should be and now the whole thing is broken.  I am going to write the code for the arduino and append it to this post anyway because I want to buy a new coin counting jar and try again.  What's the saying?  If at first you don't succeed...

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