Some Day
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Busy Busy...
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Random Arduino Idea
Well, not everything can be a success... I had an idea the other evening to improve? Expand? Tinker with? The coin counting jar that I received for Christmas. My thought was that there had to be a way to hook the existing coin counter through the arduino so it would give me a breakdown of the quantity of each type of coin in the jar, as well as the total dollar value. And, potentially, eventually, send me a daily email with that information. And I figures out how to do it too! As you can see in the 2nd image below, there are various metal contacts on either side of the slit in the circuit board. As the change comes through, it pushes a metal piece along these closing the circuit. And recording what type of money went through depending on which contact is hit. I figured if I could solder a wire to each of these contacts I could hook it up to the arduino and have it record the same information using the same theory. Sadly, my soldering skills are still somewhat less than they should be and now the whole thing is broken. I am going to write the code for the arduino and append it to this post anyway because I want to buy a new coin counting jar and try again. What's the saying? If at first you don't succeed...
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Table - Day 1
Now, next thing next, here is a photo of the underside of the table where you can get a better look at the wood itself. It looks like there is some sort of light stain on the bottom as it is slightly darker than the natural wood which is only visible under where I took off the support pieces. Any ideas what kind of wood this is? I sure don't.
I apologize for my poor photography skills... not my strong point. As you can see, took all the bottom pieces of and labeled them so everything will be able to go back to right where it started. Mentioned above, there does seem to be some sort of something even on the bottom because you can see the very distinct white lines where everything came together. I am going to try and sand it down to this level before I begin re-doing the whole thing but I don't know if I'll be able to as it seems to have absorbed pretty deeply in to the wood. Fingers crossed.
I began some sanding as well today after a quick trip to the hardware store to get some really rough grit paper as well as a medium grit. Figure I'll pick up the fine grit paper when I go back to pick the stain. I do need to find something better than a plastic shelf with some cookbooks on top to be my workspace but it worked fairly well for today. Below, a half finished and a "done for today" photo.
Its still pretty dark when compared to the white white of the wood but I'm hoping that as I work through the medium and fine grit I'll work through this coloration. I think the grain is very pretty and I'm super excited to keep working on this. I work in the evening again tomorrow so hoping to get the rough work done on all the support pieces tomorrow afternoon. So more to come!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The Next Project...
I've never tried anything like this before - not this scope at least. Last year I stripped and re-finished our coffee table but for that I only did the top top and it is substantially smaller than this. Hopefully I'm not getting ahead of myself and my abilities but hey, it was free so if I screw it up no harm no foul right?
So, next week I'll head out to the hardware store to stock up on rough grit sandpaper take it apart and begin the process. I am still contemplating purchasing an orbital sander which would obviously make this whole project less labor intensive but it also kind of feels like cheating for some reason. We'll see if I change my tune after a few hours of sanding... More photos to come!
Friday, January 30, 2015
Learning Arduino
A short post from the dog park this evening as I happened upon this great (maybe, it's a good value but I'm not positive yet) deal I wanted to share.
Yup that's right, a $100 basic arduino course for just $19. I totally bought it... Haven't started it yet so I can't speak to the usefulness or anything else but damn did they get me with the 80% off. Given I started the blog yesterday and the deal ends tomorrow I don't expect many folks to see this but I wanted to post it anyway as a precurser of things to come. As I encounter more great deals I'll be sure to add them!!!