Some Day

Some day I'll have my own island... Until then, here are some of the things I'm working on.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Learning Arduino

A short post from the dog park this evening as I happened upon this great (maybe, it's a good value but I'm not positive yet) deal I wanted to share.

Yup that's right, a $100 basic arduino course for just $19.  I totally bought it...  Haven't started it yet so I can't speak to the usefulness or anything else but damn did they get me with the 80% off.  Given I started the blog yesterday  and the deal ends tomorrow I don't expect many folks to see this but I wanted to post it anyway as a precurser of things to come.  As I encounter more great deals I'll be sure to add them!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2015


So, among the totally amazing gifts I received for Christmas is this awesome Arduino starter kit!  Totally appeals to all of my tinkering spirits and one of my New Year's goals is to work my way through all of the projects in the included book - there are 15 so that's more than one a month... guess I have to get on it!  Ok, that's not entirely true, I've already worked through the first two projects so I am on pace so far this year - but those posts will come later as I continue to work my way through the included projects I will probably (hopefully, I intend to) write a post for each of them.

Don't know about Ardunio?  The short version: its an open source micro controller board.  And its awesome.  The longer version?  Well... I'll leave that to the experts. or  

So I guess this is my official first post?  Plenty more to come...  I get bored easily and I love projects such as these so I'll be sure to keep this updated as I work through things.  Maybe my next post will be more about me?  We'll see if another project distracts me between now and then...

Just the beginning

This is a placeholder post because I feel like I should write something...  My first real post will have some information about me and what i'll be writing about here.  After that, we'll get in to the real stuff!